The Sinhala State is converting the holy shrine into a war zone
Full text of the press release issued by the LTTE Political Division
LTTE Political Division
3 April 2008
The Sinhala State is converting the holy shrine into a war zone Sinhala armed forces by their indiscriminate attacks are converting the Madhu Church, the holy shrine of the Catholic people, into a war zone. The LTTE strongly condemns the action of the Sri Lankan State that has let lose its armed forces into this sacred area to carry out indiscriminate military attacks. By doing so, the Sri Lankan State has disregarded international customary laws and UN Conventions to safeguard holy religious places from military attacks. Converting the sacred area, which has given refuge to many thousands of people, into a war zone is a barbaric act of the Sri Lankan State. In 1998, more than thirty civilians including children, women and old people were killed inside the Madhu church hall when the Sinhala armed forces that entered the church complex attacked the church using their tanks. On 29 February 2008, eighteen civilians, including many school children were killed when the Sinhala armed forces carried out a claymore attack on a bus traveling inside the church complex. The Sinhala forces, always a threat to the security of the Tamil civilians, have continued to heap misery on these people of Madhu church. As before the Sri Lankan State is again attempting to convert part of this church complex into a military zone. The Sri Lankan State that shows great concern for the security of the Buddhist people and the sacredness of the Buddhist shrines, blatantly disregards the security of the people of other religions, and the sacredness of their religious symbols. The LTTE asks the international community and the human rights bodies to condemn this attitude and action of the Sri Lankan State.
04 April 2008