Civilians killed in the Northeast during the CFA period
The large number of civilians killed by the military and paramilitary groups, armed and supported by the military, is a phenomenon that has not received the attention it should receive from the international community. The killings by these armed groups are listed in the PDF documents. The PDF files listing the civilian killings are listed for various periods, in chronological order. In addition major massacres are aslo listed seperatly in this page. See in this page:
Power point showsPlease click images to view-

After CFA Massacres
Civilian casualties
Graph-1 The graph below shows the deaths of civilians, LTTE members and the Sri Lankan military, during the period until end of May. The graph with key events marked is a window into what has been happening during the CFA period. 
Graph-2 August victims: the graph below is the number of civilian deaths in the month of August 2006 as the Sri Lankan government embarked on its military adventure.
25 September 2006