“Killing of humanitarian workers is a serious set-back to relief efforts and the peace process”
LTTE Political Wing Press release:Mr. Kaushalyan, Head of the LTTE Batticaloa-Amparai political division and his team that was returning to Batticaloa from Kilinochchi after participating in the District level discussions on relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and development in the post-tsunami scenario with the leadership, was shot at by an ambush group of military uniformed men last night around 19.45.
Lt.Col. Kaushalyan, Major Puhalan, Major Senthamilan and Second Lt.Vithimaran attained Martyrdom in this clandestine attack that took place at a location between the Sri Lankan Military complexes at Welikanda and Punani in the borer area of Welikanda- Polonnaruwa and Valaichenai- Batticaloa. Killing of LTTE members engaged in political and humanitarian relief work, travelling across a Government Military controlled area, is a serious violation of the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) that provides for the travel of unarmed LTTE members. The location, its proximity to two SL military check - points and the uniformed position of the attackers are indicators to the nexus the assailants have with the military.
The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) should take serious note of this attack vis-a-vis the current circumstances and make the international community privy of its findings. We fear that these killings would have a serious impact on the humanitarian relief work undertaken now and for the recommencement of peace talks. The Tamil people world over, humanitarian workers and the international community should now recognise the elements that are working hard to weaken Tamil unity. The demise of Mr.Chandranehru Arianayagam, former Amparai District parliamentarian and Human Rights Activist who was travelling with Mr.Kaushalyan, is an irreparable loss to the Tamil people at this time. Being a founder member of the NorthEast Secretariat On Human Rights (NESOHR), Mr. Chandranehru functioned vigilantly in the area of Human Rights violations in his district. His untimely demise is a serious loss to all Human Rights lovers. Considering the valuable services rendered by Mr.Chandranehru Arianayagam, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam confers on him post-humously the title of ‘Patriotic Citizen’ and express condolences to his family members.
08 February 2005