Kilinochchi receives greater number of IDPs
In the ongoing displacement of people inside Vanni, forced out from their settlements by indiscriminate bombing and shelling of the Sri Lanka military, Kilinochchi district has received greater number of the displaced putting the humanitarian efforts of all agencies in the district under great pressure.
 People from Mannar, north of Vavuniya and Mullaithivu districts have displaced to Kilinochchi in unprecedented numbers. Even people from within Kilinochchi are displacing, many families have displaced several times within a few weeks. Kilinochchi Government Agent said that as of 8 August, a total of 113,397 people have sought IDP status inside the district. 
Over the last few days, people have displaced from Anaivilunthan and Akkarayan in the Karachchi AGA division in the district. People are also presently displacing from Nachchikuda, Kiranchi and Jeyapuram areas in the Poonahari AGA division. People could still be seen living under trees in the district. Some who have sought refuge in schools must be vacated before 4 September in readiness for the reopening of the schools. Civilians are also continuing to be killed and injured by the indiscriminate attacks. Since the attack of the Mulliathivu hospital complex at 1.00am on 9 August, five civilians were killed and more than 25 have been injured by shelling and bombing. A large number of schools as well as hospitals were displaced adding to the chaos created in civilian life. LTTE Political wing has issued an urgent call to the people to dig bunkers in homes and work places to protect people from the indiscriminate attack by the Sri Lanka military.
13 August 2008