Norwegian Ambassador to Sri Lanka Meets with Mr. Tamilselvan
Mr. Hans Brattskar, the Norwegian envoy to Sri Lanka visited Killinochchi earlier today to meet Mr. S.P. Tamilselvan, head of the political wing of the LTTE. In a meeting which lasted around ninety minutes, the current impasse in the peace talks and avenues for resolving the deadlock were discussed.
Mr. Tamilselvan welcomes Mr. Hans Brattskar After the meeting, Mr. Brattskar and his delegation visited the Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation central bureau and had discussions with the TRO officials. They also inspected two TRO projects underway in the Mullaitivu district. The first visit was to the school for the deaf and blind children located in Vallipunam. The TRO funded 'Iniya Valvu Illam' is home for 70 kids who are hearing and / or visually impaired. With the deaf children at Iniya Valvu Illam Pointing out Norway! to the Children at Bharathi Illam The second visit was to the Bharathi Illam housing those children affected by the war or orphaned as a result of the war. Bharathi Illam, another TRO funded centre, houses more than 160.
18 June 2003