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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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"Political ups and downs should not be allowed to derail a peace process"

Irish Minister of State tells LTTE delegation

"As a people who have been involved in conflict resolution and a protracted peace process, we would urge parties to the Sri Lankan conflict to do a frog leap and restart the peace process and it is very essential to ensure that political ups and downs do not derail a peace process brought about after hard work and sacrifice", said Mr. Conor Lenihan TD (Irish Member of Parliament) Minister of State, Department of Foreign Affairs in a meeting with the LTTE delegation led by Mr. S. P. Tamilselvan.

The Minister and his team showed a keen interest in the peace process with special attention to the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) in the context of their hands on experience with a CFA and the Northern Ireland peace process.

Responding to the interest shown by the Ministerial team, Mr. Tamilselvan presented a graphic detailed study of the political history of the Tamil freedom struggle vis a vis the discriminatory governance of successive post independence Sri Lankan regimes. In recounting the necessity for the Tamil youths to arm themselves in the mid 70s, first as self defence against state military terrorism and then to evict an occupation army from the Tamil homeland. It is only after exhausting all democratic and non-violent means of protest which were all suppressed by the strong arm of state military, Mr. Tamilselvan said that the Tamil people opted for secession through an electoral mandate in 1977.

Continuing further Mr. Tamilselvan said that throughout the period of war the LTTE leadership has offered to negotiate in good faith and explore viable alternatives. The current CFA is holding for two and a half years only because of the Norwegian facilitation and the general interest of the international community. The political changes in the south have largely contributed to the delay in the peace process and thereby the humanitarian delivery too remains unfulfilled, said Mr. Tamilselvan.

The Minister was assisted by Mr. David Coony, Political Director, Assistant Secretary General, Department of Foreign Affairs and Ms Anne O' Keeffe, Higher Executive Officer, Development Cooperation Directorate. The Ministerial team expressed solidarity to the peace process and assured that they will endeavour to expand humanitarian assistance.

Later in the day the LTTE delegation met with Mr. Michael Mulcahy, Member of European Affairs Committee and several parliamentarians, MEPs and Senators in the Irish parliament complex.

In a separate meeting, the LTTE delegation met with senior Senator Cyprian Brady whose contribution to the discussion that ensued was very constructive. The Senator expressed full satisfaction on the commitment the LTTE has been maintaining in holding the CFA and moving steadfastly in building a momentum of peace, winning the support of the international community.

The LTTE delegation paid a visit to the Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation and had discussions with the Director and Officials connected to the peace process. Glencree has a significant place in the peace process, in that, the ISGA proposals underwent its fine-tuning at this Centre last year.

28 October 2004

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