Tidal wave disaster in the North East
Appeal for immediate international humanitarian interventionThis is an urgent appeal to the international community and the donor nations for immediate intervention in providing relief to the disaster-affected areas in the Northeast. Tens of thousands of people have been swallowed by the surge and thousands have suffered major injuries. The medical institutions in the Northeast are full of the injured. Tens of thousands of people who’s dwellings and entire belongings have been swept away by the sudden tidal surge, are now displaced and seeking refuge in public buildings in safer places. It is ironical that this tragedy had befallen on a people who suffered the brutality of a war for two decades and are continuing to exist without realizing the basic dividends of peace, normalcy.
Civilian based organizations (CBOs) Local NGOs headed by TRO, community workers and local youths assisted and guided by the LTTE are working round the clock in medical evacuation, transport of displaced to safer places and providing emergency relief measures. Financial and logistical constraints notwithstanding, the relief teams are working very hard to provide maximum relief. The affected people primarily are in need of clothing, blankets, mats and cooked food. Lack of transport facilities is also seriously impeding the expeditious relief activities. Heavy influx of the displaced in public buildings where basic sanitation facilities are not available, it is feared, may create serious health hazard and epidemics. Tidal waves having receded, though the panic of recurrence continues, this displaced population cannot continue to live in public buildings and therefore, it is inevitable that they be provided with the necessary assistance to rebuild their lives. We appeal to the international community to provide the wherewithal to meet with the exigencies and to avoid a humanitarian crisis. The human disaster and the tragedy the survivors face are unprecedented and need immediate and effective humanitarian intervention. We therefore solicit the support of the Donor nations, UN agencies and INGOs to consolidate their efforts and ensure that the assistance reach the needy in time.
26 December 2004