SLMM head meets Col.Pathuman
A meeting was held between the head of SLMM, General Tryggve Tellefsen and the LTTE Trincomalee Regional Commander Col. Pathuman, yesterday at the LTTE regional head office in Sampur.
General Tellefsen took up the issue of Kurankupanchan LTTE camp with Col.Pathuman and requested that a favourable reply be given after consulting the LTTE head quarters. An alternative proposal also was made by the head of SLMM that the LTTE to vacate the camp and handover it to the SLMM. Replying this, Col. Pathuman said that the Kurankupanchan LTTE camp was there even before the signing of CFA and the details of the LTTE-held areas and the location of the camp have already been given to the SLMM. Along with Col. Pathuman Thilak, the LTTE Political wing head of Trincomalee was also present at this meeting. On the SLMM side General Tellefsen was assisted by deputy head of mission Mr.Hagrap Haukland and the Ms. Agnes Bragadottir, spokeswoman of the SLMM.
26 August 2003