"UN will continue to encourage GoSL and LTTE to reactivate the peace process without further delay"
UNDP country head in Kilinochchi
"Please, be assured that the UN, through its various arms in the NorthEast, will continue to work towards the delivery of humanitarian services to the people and wishes to encourage the GoSL and the LTTE to reactivate the peace process without further delay; we realize the danger in further delaying the process, for the people will tend to lose confidence", said Mr. Miguel Bermio, country head of UNDP in a meeting with Mr. S.P. Tamilselvan, Head of the Political Wing today 9 September. Mr. Tamilselvan on a request from the UN official, presented an over-view of the current political situation and said that UN, among all other international actors, has a major role to set in place the right approach in handling humanitarian delivery to a nation of people who have been victims of a cruel war and denied the basic peace dividend, normalcy, even after two and a half years of a Cease Fire Agreement which among other things promised normalcy to them. Mr. Tamilselvan continued to reiterate that the international community has a moral responsibility to respect the democratic mandate given by the Tamil people and initiate pro-active measures to bring home to the government the necessity to recommence negotiations on the basis of the ISGA proposals. In responding to the request of the UN official, Mr. Tamilselvan said that the recommencement of talks is entirely in the hands of the government. Mr. S. Puleedevan, Secretary General of the Peace secretariat and Mr. Rorie Mungoven also participated in the meeting.
09 September 2004