"SL Peace process is very much closer to our hearts" -Robert Evans MEP-
The LTTE delegation led by Mr. S.P.Tamilselvan Head of the Political Wing met with Mr. Robert Evans MEP, Labor Member of the European Parliament for London and other MEP's today 18thy October 2004 at the European Parliament complex.
The MEP's showed keen interest in the current status of the peace process and were anxious to know of the actual reason for the delay to recommence negotiations.  Mr.Tamilselvan with Members of the European Parliament
Mr. Tamilselvan presented a detailed overview of the current political situation and expressed his concern and fear over the fragile nature of a no-war and no-peace situation wherein the Tamil people still continue to remain with their urgent humanitarian needs unfulfilled and the basic peace dividend, 'normalcy' not returned as yet in spite of two and a half years of cease fire. Continuing further Mr. Tamilselvan pointed out the new development in the Colombo polity where, for the first time in history, main opposition party has offered its support to the government in resolving the national problem and it is now the responsibility of the government to utilize this opportunity and move towards recommencement of talks.  Mr.Tamilselvan with Members of the European Parliament
Expressing solidarity to support the peace process and Norway's facilitation, Mr. Robert Evans assured the delegation that he will endeavor his best to get the maximum support from the European community for the recommencement of talks and achieving lasting peace in the island with special emphasis on the need to address urgent humanitarian delivery in the war affected areas.
18 October 2004