Navali church massacre
09 July 1995 Vaithiyalingam Kamalanathan, lost his wife on that day. The incident as described by him is as follows:
Navaly village is in the Jaffna district. St Peters church is a famous temple in Navaly. Following the military orders to the people to take refuge in public places thousands of people left their homes to take refuge in churches and temples. About 2500 people had thus taken refuge in St Peters Church. On the 9th July 1995, eight rocket bombs were dropped on Navali church and its surroundings. The church was crammed with people who had sought refuge when they realized the army was bombing their area. 155 bodies of civilians were recovered from the church and its surroundings and 250 people were injured. There is no doubt that the SLAFs deliberately dropped a bomb at a place where there was a maximum density of people gathered, and the large crowd of people would have been noticeable from the air. Vaithiyalingam Kamalanathan, lost his wife on that day. The incident as described by him is as follows: “That morning, from about 4am we were heard bombing sounds from the SLA during Operation Leap Forward. People from Chulipuram had grabbed all their belongings and started moving along Navali Road. All of us, small, young, and old were helping and feeding these displaced people at St Peters church with food and drink. We did this all day. Since I did not go to the temple in the morning – I went at 4:30 pm with my son through the paddy fields. At about 4:35pm we heard a very big bomb blast and saw clouds of smoke. We immediately knew something had happened at Navali. When I ran back to my house, the road was filled with fallen trees and buildings. In my house my wife was bleeding from here [chest]. My daughter was injured in her head and hand. Blood was running. I ran to the other houses nearby. One of my neighbour’s family was all lying dead. My elder son’s daughter was injured. My sister’s husband said that we could do no more for my sister. He said to go and look after my family. My wife died at the hospital asking me to look after our children.” The Parish priest at that time says: “It was Sunday morning. People were being displaced here as the Leap Operation was taking place. People of this area welcome them and were supplying them with food and drinks. I was at St Andrews church in Manipay when I heard that people were gathering in St Peters Church, Navali. So I rushed over here. On my way here, I heard the bombers in the air. One of the bombers was loading I ran and hid behind a wall. I saw this people being bombed. I ran here after the bombing and saw that people were scattered here and there - killed. 9 people were killed at this church. 121 people were killed all together. The church was damaged. People were screaming and shouting. People who were taking shelter in this area were bombed. People are still saddened and worried about this. People hope that this situation will change and that peace will prevail in this country. Tamils and Singhalese will remain together in this country as brother and sister.”
22 November 2006