Three pronged Vaharai move by Sri Lankan military stopped– 45 SLA troops killed
Starting from 5.30am on 16 January 2007, Sri Lankan military conducted a three pronged attack to capture parts of Vaharai. Stiff resistance from the LTTE has succeeded in repulsing the attack causing heavy losses to the Sri Lankan military. Forty five Sri Lankan military troops were killed and another 150 badly injured.
 The three pronged moved by the SLA was launched from Upporal towards Muhathuwaram in the north, from Mankerni towards Pannichchankerni in the south and from Mahinthapuram in the west towards Eechchilampatru. All three moves by the SLA were stopped by the LTTE that put up stiff resistance. Clashes are still continuing as this news is written. As the SLA faced heavy losses Kfir bombers attacked civilian settlements in Kathiraveli on three separate occasions during the day. Twelve LTTE members were killed in the clashes.
16 January 2007