August civilian toll at the hands of Sri Lanka government operated forces
Forty three Tamil civilians were killed and another twenty seven were disappeared by the Sri Lanka government operated forces in the Tamil homeland during the month of August. The Sri Lankan military occupied Jaffna is the worst place for human rights violations not only in Sri Lanka, but also in the entire South Asia.
 Tamil civilians in the Sri Lankan military controlled areas especially in the Jaffna peninsula are facing all types of human rights violations at the hands of Sri Lankan government operated forces. 25 Tamil civilians were killed and another 18 were disappeared by the GoSL operated forces in the Jaffna district. Further, seven in Vavuniya, six in Batticaloa, three in Amparai and two in Trincomalee were also killed. Five in Batticaloa, three in Mannar and another one in Trincomalee were also disappeared by the GoSL forces. Cordon-search-arrest operations and unlimited curfew hours in Jaffna, harassment on fishermen in sea, fishing restrictions, and cost of living are worsening day by day in the GoSL occupied Tamil homeland. This August report highlights the killing of Jaffna University student, Sakathevan Dilaxan, Jaffna Technichal college student, Thaniikasalam Sasirooban, employee of Danish Demining Group in Jaffna, Sivasami Sritharan, brother of Batticaloa district Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian, S Thiyakachanthiran and the killings of two employees of Ceylon Transport Board by the GoSL operated forces. Also to be noted is the killing of Ariyarathinam Subajini in an aerial bombardment in Nedunkerny, Vavuniya by the Sri Lankan Air force. Some of the cases reported in this report, were earlier abductions by the GoSL operated forces and their bodies were found in various locations during this month. Unlike the number reported as killed, cases of disappearances are much harder to report because it takes sometime before a disappearance can be confirmed and the fact of a disappearance evolves gradually as the families continue to search for a relative. A PDF version of the August monthly toll can be downloaded here
04 September 2007