Mullaithivu hospital comes under SLA artillery fire for the third time in four months
On 18 December as 12.30pm, SLA stationed in Manalaru fired artillery shells towards the Mullaithivu hospital injuring two of the hospital employees and causing damages to the hospital operations theatre. All together three shells exploded on the hospital building.
Mullaithivu hospital was functioning with reduced capacity after shifting most of the services to other places and maintaining only emergency services in its old premise. One of the employees, Shanmugaraja Pratheep aged 24 of Selvapuram in Mullaithivu, sustained serious stomach injury and he is in intensive care. The other employee injured is Vethavanam aged 42. The hospital Superintend, Dr Shanmugarasa, describing a similar attack just three days earlier said that in that instance one shell exploded very close to a ward and another fell on the hospital water tank.
20 December 2008