SLA removes Tamil national flag - unrest in Mannar
There was a public uprising in Mannar yesterday 24th November 2004 consequent to the Sri Lankan military personal forcibly removing the Tamil National flag hoisted in connection with the ceremony of honouring the Martyrs' parents, part of an annual feature related to the Tamil Martyrs' Day week.
There was a public uprising in Mannar yesterday 24th November 2004 consequent to the Sri Lankan military personal forcibly removing the Tamil National flag hoisted in connection with the ceremony of honouring the Martyrs' parents, part of an annual feature related to the Tamil Martyrs' Day week. While this ceremony was taking place in the Mannar town hall, a sports event was also taking place in the public playground. Tamil National flag was hoisted before the commencement of both these events SLA personal who arrived at the sites around 1300 hours tried to provocatively removed the Tamil National flags. Public became emotional and thronged around the flag posts and prevented the SLA from removing the flags. However, the SLA forcibly removed the flag after attacking the civilians.
Civilians congregated at various points in Mannar town and protested against the cavalier attitude of the SLA. They insisted that the National flag has a historical attachment to the Tamil people in the context of the Tamil independence struggle, depicting the historical bond the Tamil people have for the spirit of nationalism and the Martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the future generation. They requested that the flags removed should be returned to them forthwith. Meanwhile Bishop of Mannar Rt. Rev. Rayappu Joseph and Vanni District had Parliamentarians a meeting with the SL military commanders and CBO representatives in co-ordination with the SLMM. Consequent to the decisions made in this meeting Brigadier Sarath Fernando of Thalladi military complex handed back the National flags to Mr. Marusaleen, father of Martyr Lt. Col. Victor. The events continued thereafter without disruption. The parents when interviewed by the media said that the tiger flag symbolises the Tamil independence struggle and is venerated by them most specifically because it is the flag that covers the mortal remains of a Martyr before being deposited in the Martyrs home. An emotion packed group of parents said that they last saw their sons and daughters as fallen Martyrs covered respectfully with the tiger flag and therefore disrespect to the flag is a think that they cannot bear with.
24 November 2004