Sri Lankan State engineered demographic changes in the Tamil homeland
For decades, Tamil people have observed with alarm the Sri Lankan State engineered demographic changes in the Tamil homeland. Many a Sinhala leading politicians have openly stated that these Sinhala settlements in the Tamil homeland will destroy the claim of Tamil homeland.
The creation of Amparai district making Tamils who were the predominant majority in that area into a minority, the insertion Sinhala areas in Trincomalee thus making it a hotspot of ethnic pogroms, the creation of the Manalaru HSZ and Sinhala settlements, the massacres and burning of Tamil homes to chase them away in order to facilitate these changes have not been documented adequately. A few publications in Tamil have come out recently. Peace Secretariat has collated the data in these publications and has released an English document with maps and statistics. The document can be downloaded here.
01 May 2008