What is the Sri Lankan military up to in Vaharai
According to the Sri Lankan military two of its men were injured during mine clearance, one in Kathiraveli and another one in Vaharai and both men were admitted to hospital today.
Where did these mines come from? LTTE did not lay any mines inside the Vaharai area. There was only a few hours between the time when civilians fled Vaharai area and LTTE pulled back from Vaharai. Any civilian who was in Vaharai at that time will attest to the fact that no mines were laid anywhere near their homes. Within the few hours before LTTE pulled back it is impossible to lay that many mines which would engage the Sri Lankan military in a mine clearance operation. One only needs average intelligence to work out this “mine theory” of the military. It is indeed a perfect excuse for the “caring” military to prevent Tamil people from resettling in their homes? Is it not exactly this that is implied in the euphemism of “liberating Vaharai”?
31 January 2007