"Deliberations in Geneva will be circumspect in the context of government's hesitation to restart ta
"The political deliberations scheduled to take place in Geneva will focus, among other things on mainly, the delay to the peace process, frustration and loss of confidence among the Tamil people and the possible impact these may have in taking decisive actions without letting the process drag on indefinitely", said Mr. Tamilselvan, Head of the LTTE Political Wing from Katunayake prior to the LTTE team's departure to Geneva.
In an exclusive interview to the Tamil Daily Uthayan Mr. Tamilselvan further said: The LTTE is fully committed to the peace process and working sincerely to maintain the CFA in spite of provocations but the government representatives and the President are engaged in a vicious propaganda against our organization and what we stand for. The President, Foreign Minister Laksman Kadikamar and many other responsible ministers are actively engaged in this campaign not only in Sri Lanka but on also during their so-journ overseas. We also recognize the insidious allegations against us of political killings including that of individuals who are said to be members of EPDP. Some forces are making use of these killings to discredit the LTTE and also achieve political mileage. The killing of Sinnabala of the EPDP has now seen conflicting developments that indicate internal divisions within the entity. Some of the so-called members are said to be under detention, having been caught while attempting to desert. These dissensions may probably be the causative factors behind these internecine killings. It is very unfortunate that these allegations are given credibility by some elements which are bent on discrediting the LTTE. It is our intention to bring these to the attention of the international community during our European visit. Our confab in Geneva will be attended by senior members in the political committee and constitutional experts and consultants from the Diaspora. Decisions taken here will be conveyed to the leadership on return with a view to take appropriate action to take forward the peace process in the right direction.
30 September 2004