Helgesen meets Tamilselvan and Karuna
Mr. S.P. Tamilselvan, Head of the LTTE Political Wing and Col. Karuna, Special Commander Batticaloa and Amparai attended a meeting with the Norwegian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vidar Helgesen in the ministry office in Oslo.
Mr. Vidar Helgesen and Norwegian foreign Ministry Official. The Norwegian Foreign Ministry initiated this meeting with a view to get an update on the current status of the deliberations pertaining to the interim administration proposals. Mr. Tamilselvan briefed the ministerial team on the progress made in formulating the interim administration proposals and said that the final draft will be taken to the National Leader Mr. V. Pirabakaran this week-end for his review and thereafter submitted to facilitators before the end of this month.
Associated with Mr. Vidar Helgesen in this meeting Messrs. Eric Solheim, Special Peace Envoy, John Wesbourg Former Norwegian Ambassador in Sri Lanka and Ms Lisa Golden, Ministy Advisor in Sri Lankan Affairs. Along with Tamilselvan and Karuna, Mr. Pulidevan, Secretary General of LTTE Peace Secretariat, Ms. Tamilvili, Deputy Head of the LTTE women's Political Wing and Ms. Selvy, Deputy Secretary General of LTTE Peace Secretariat.
15 October 2003