Tamils must win freedom to win their human rights – LTTE Political Head
Head of the LTTE Political Wing, B Nadeson, in his address at the event marking the international human rights day on 10 December said that,
“Only by winning their freedom Tamil people can gain their human rights…. Sri Lanka Government does not take seriously the pressure from the international community regarding its human rights record because the same people who are condemning its human rights record are also giving it military and economic aid.” Excerpts from his speech: Tamil people have lived a tragic life for the last six decades; that is since a Sinhala dominated government took power over this island. Tamil people have continued to be denied most of the rights enunciated in the two major UN Conventions, the Convention of Political and Civil rights and the Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural rights. It is as a result of these gross violations we have today evolved into a massive liberation movement. Sri Lankan State is able to callously dismiss the pressures from the international community about these gross human rights violations. The continuing the death squad activities of the Sri Lankan State is a clear evidence of this arrogance of the Sri Lankan State. The Sri Lankan State continues to receive military and economic aid from the same States that are also condemning the gross human rights violations of the Sri Lankan State; this explains the arrogance of the Sri Lankan State. Tamil people must and will struggle on to win their freedom and through that gain their human rights. It is through such struggles many of the countries won their human rights. The American liberation struggle, the Vietnam liberation struggle and the South African liberations struggle have all walked this path to reach their liberation. We are today, a people who have been denied almost all our human rights. Our struggle will gather undefeatable strength when Tamils stand together. It will be then be the duty of the international community to accept the people’s struggle.
11 December 2007