June monthly civilian toll
June monthly statistics on civilians killed and disappeared by the GoSL operated death squads in the Tamil homeland shows no letting down. Forty four civilians were killed and disappeared during this month. As usual topping the list in largest number killed, twenty one, is Jaffna. Nine were killed in Vavuniya and eight were killed in Batticaloa.
 Comparing this statistics with the June 11-17 weekly report of the SLMM reveals an important point. In this weekly report SLMM said that 34 civilians were abducted in this one week alone in the three eastern districts. This clearly shows that the statistics on the number of disappeared is much bigger than what could be collected by us. Unlike the number reported as killed, cases of disappearances are much harder to report because it takes sometime before a disappearance can be confirmed and the fact of a disappearance evolves gradually as the families continue to search for a relative. It therefore does not capture the data collectors’ and news reporters’ attention, like that of a killing. Another serious violation that the above statistics does not capture is the persistent cordon and search and arrest operations in Jaffna. These are continuing everyday on several locations in Jaffna and are terrorize the people. A PDF version of the June monthly toll can be downloaded here
04 July 2007