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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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"Attitudinal change first in Sri Lankan polity & military establishment"

"An attitudinal change in the SL polity and the military establishment is very essential to the success of the peace process and the final resolution of the ethnic conflict" said Mr. S. P. Tamilselvan Head of the LTTE Political Wing in a meeting with "The Sri Lanka First" team held today 1st December 2004 at the Planning and Development Secretariat in Kilinochchi.

"An attitudinal change in the SL polity and the military establishment is very essential to the success of the peace process and the final resolution of the ethnic conflict" said Mr. S. P. Tamilselvan Head of the LTTE Political Wing in a meeting with "The Sri Lanka First" team held today 1st December 2004 at the Planning and Development Secretariat in Kilinochchi.

In responding to the collective opinion of the team Mr. Tamilselvan said that political stability & relative peace are the very essential components of the economic development with the participation of the private business sector. Referring to the CFA from which stemmed the peace process, Mr. Tamilselvan said that the bottom line of the agreement is that normalcy should be restored facilitating resettlement, rehabilitation & reconstruction with a view to deliver the basic peace dividend to the people affected directly by two decades of war.

South African representatives opined that in their experience business sector can contribute immeasurably to the success of political resolution of conflicts. The Sri Lankan business community representatives too emphasized that they are conscious of this fact and effectively engaged in dialogue with all the stake holders in the peace process. The team expressed its desire to clarify the current political situation in the context of the Martyr's Day speech of the Tamil National Leader Mr. V. Pirabaharan.

Explaining the core message in the leader's speech, Mr. Tamilselvan said that the plight of the Tamil people placed in a precarious situation of political void with no movement in the negotiations and the no-war-no-peace situation has been the focal point. If this message is taken clearly by the government, Mr. Tamilselvan said that the deadlock will be broken and the process reactivated to negotiate on the ISGA, institutionalize it and then proceed with the final political negotiation.

Pointing out typical examples of the negative attitude adopted by the SL military in the matter of Tamil entrepreneurs' initiatives to bring in inputs and investment into the war affected areas, Mr. Tamilselvan said that actions of this type will definitely tend to discourage private enterprises which will seriously impact the peace environment. The Business Community therefore, Mr. Tamilselvan said, has a challenging responsibility to interact with the government and bring about the attitudinal change which alone can help to build confidence and promote peace.

John C. Hall, CBE, Chairman of the South African National Peace Accord trust, Maj. Gen Keith Mokoape, General Manager, South African Army Foundation, Madoda Ntshinga, First Secretary, South African High Commission, Phil Champain, International Alert, Neela Marikkar, Chair person, Sri Lanka First, Sharad Amalean of MAS Holdings, Ajith Dias of Brandix, Andre Fourie, CEO, NBI, Abbas Esufally of Hemas, Shamil Mendis, Delmege Forsyth and Charitha Ratwatte, Managing Director, SLBDC were among the participants.

01 December 2004

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