Mullaithivu hospital complex shelling
The shelling of the Mullaithivu hospital complex at 1.00am on 8 August left everyone here in a state of shock.
 The Government Agent of Mullaithivu, Ms Imelda Sukumar, shocked and injured by the explosions around her residence while she slept. 
Protesting Government employees shocked by the repeated attacks on them. 
Doctor's quarters, a building of the hospital in the readily recognizable style of hospital buildings, potted by the shell shrapnel. 
A home built after tsunami with aid and later with blood and sweat after the price of cement sky rocketed, destroyed. 
Baby, Iyan Sankeerthanan killed while he slept next to his mother. 
A three year old boy Began Vijayakanth, his sister Arelili were injured, and a piece of shell went through the stomach of their pregnant mother. Mother survived but the condition of the fetus is critical. 
The calf of the cow that gave milk to a family injured. The cow was killed by the shelling. Indeed several cows and goats were killed. 
The pets too are punished for being with these people. 
One of the seriously injured old woman who was transferred to larger hospital. 
Another badly injured woman being transferred 
Anger without release is directed at the photographer The feeling, terror, shock, loss, and sadness.; a common expression on the faces of the affected people. 
09 August 2008