January Tamil civilian toll - 86 killed and 90 disappeared by GoSL operated forces
Eighty six civilians were killed and another ninety were disappeared in the Tamil homeland by the GoSL operated forces in the month of January. The graph shows the toll across the eight districts of the Tamil homeland. For the first time number disappeared overtook the number killed. Past history shows that the vast majority of the disappeared never come back.
 There were two aspects of the killing and disappearance that deserves a special mention. In Jaffna the number of people seeking protection, from threats to their lives, at the Jaffna branch of the human rights commission has become increasingly common. School and University students have been increasingly targeted in January for the “killing, disappearance & torture” treatment by the GoSL operated forces. Due to lack of any other facility where those who seek protection could be given refuge they have been produced before the courts and then placed in prison. Among those who have sought protection at the human rights commission are ten under-18-year-olds. Killing and disappearance saw a sharp increase in the Vavuniya district in the month of January. In one incident four people in a home were killed one of whom is an employee of the MSF international organization also known as Doctors Without Borders. Vavuniya human rights commission has recorded 49 disappearances in January. Please click the image to download the January 2007 civilian toll
04 February 2007