The People and the shelling by Sri Lanka military
Artillery fire by the Sri Lanka military in the northern war front fell in Vadadamardchi east areas including Iyakachchi on the 12th. Also artillery fire from the Mannar camps of Sri Lanka military fell among the displaced people in Puthukulam in Mannar.
 The civilians in Puthukulam in Mannar who are again coming under artillery fire were already displaced three times during the last year to avoid Sri Lankan military artillery fire. These people are originally from Madhu in Mannar. “Artillery fire from Sri Lanka military’s northern war front has destroyed large number of palymyrah and coconut trees”, laments people in the Palmyrah and Coconut Resource Development board in Vadamaradchi east. They said that continuous shelling by the Sri Lankan military over the last 21 months has destroyed the livelihood and industries that rely on these trees. Civilians have continued to live under the artillery fire from the Sri Lankan military camps. After the 2002 CFA, the shelling directly into the civilians areas began in the eastern district in Sampoor in 2005 and it has since continued all over the Tamil homeland. Hundreds including children and pregnant women were killed by the shelling. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced due to the threats of artillery fire.
14 May 2008