Two hundred and sixty nine cadres were handed over to their parents
Two hundred and sixty nine cadres were sent back to their homes in their volition at Kathiraveli School today, 13th April 2004, after the completion of the LTTE rescue operation against Karuna's group. Thirty three female and sixty eight male cadres were handed over directly to their parents from 7.00 am this morning.
Following this, 113 female and 55 male under-aged cadres were handed over to their parents through UNICEF representatives of Batticaloa-Ampari District. TRO and UNICEF made all the necessary arrangements for the parents and the under aged cadres. Mr. Ram, Commander, Batticaloa-Amparai District, Mr. Kausalyan, Political Head of Batticaloa-Amparai District, Mr.Thiyakarajah, Co-ordinator of the NGO and Mr. Bavananthan, Deputy Secretary General of the LTTE Peace Secretariat also participated in this event.
13 April 2004