Who cares about our future – Jaffna school Student representative
Kandeepan, representative of the boycotting Jaffna school students said in an interview to BBC interview,
“ We are boycotting classes demanding the release of our friends. We have evidence to prove that the Sri Lankan military has abducted them. There are eyewitnesses to the abductions and all the students know this and will say this.” 
Several senior school students have recently been abducted, killed and tortured. On 15 January 2007, Advanced Level student from Hartley College in Point Pedro, Muruhananthan Paramananthan, disappeared after abduction. Paramsothy Thananchayan, another Advanced Level student was disappeared from Point Pedro. Kandaih Latheeswaran another Advanced Level student from Vaddukoddai was disappeared. Another Advanced Level student was arrested and later left with severe torture injuries in front of his home. Kandeepan says, “ We fear going to school, we couldn’t study in fear, we are always afraid when we will be killed, and when we will be abducted. Who can care about us? My mother or my father or my school principle can’t say to Sri Lankan army not to abduct me or kill me.” “We informed about the situation to all, Human rights commission, Educational authorities, Ministers, Jaffna Bishop, and Government Agent, and begged them to do something and voice concern. We know this long term boycott will affect our future but then I am not sure what the next day will bring for me.” “The Sri Lankan government is not ready to guarantee the safety of our lives from their military, or even listen to us, or respect our rights. In this state how can we continue our study. Who cares about our future?” 12000 School students are continuing boycott of classes for the sixth day today.
28 January 2007