Year 2008 in a glance
1. Sri Lanka terminates the 2002 ceasefire agreementOn 3 January Sri Lankan announced the termination of the six year ceasefire brokered by Norway. Norway issues a press statement regretting the decision.

2.Yet another massacre of school children On 29 January, soon after the Sri Lankan Government announced its termination of the 2002 ceasefire, it launched its 2008-Genocide with a massive claymore attack on a school bus killing thirteen children and seven adults including a school principal. 
3. Books of note released In March, Two books illuminating another aspect of the Tamil genocide, the deliberate and well planned changes to the demography of the Tamil homeland, were released. 
4. Human rights defenders killed in March and April Two leading human rights activists, TNA Member of Parliament, Kiddinan Sivanesan, and NESoHR Chairperson, Rev Fr Karunaratnam, were assaninated in March and April respectively by claymore attacks. 
5. Brigadier Balraj passes away On 20 May, Brigadier Balraj, passed away following a heart attack. Tamil Eelam nation mourned the loss of one of its brave and able son. 
6.Sri Lanka evicted from UN Human Rights Council On 23 May, despite hard lobbying by Sri Lanka, it lost its battle to remain in the UN Human Rights Council due to its appalling human rights record. 
7. UN and other INGOs evicted Having created a massive human catastrophe in Vanni by targeted shelling of civilians, forcing village after village to displace, on 11 September, Sri Lanka evicted UN and other international humanitarian agencies that was taking care of the desperate IDPs. 
8. Tamil Nadu protests genocide On 24 October, Tamilnadu protested the genocide in Sri Lanka with a 60 Kilometers long human chain under pouring rain. 
9. Cyclone Nisha and flooding Cyclone Nisha produced the heaviest floods in Vanni and Jaffna, further worsening the IDP crisis in Vanni. 
10.Sri Lanka in “Genocide Red Alert” list On 8 December, a group, “Genocide Prevention Task Force”, headed by former Secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, submitted its report to the US president elect and also published a list of countries where genocide and other mass atrocities are underway or risk breaking out. Sri Lanka is one of the eight “red alert” countries. 
01 January 2009