Manalaru SLA camp artillery fire disrupts civilian livelihood
SLA artillery fire in Nayaru civilian settlementSLA stationed in its Manalaru camp launched heavy artillery fire into Nayaru settlement on Sunday 16 March injuring one civilians causing damages to property. The injured man is V Sivakumar of Nayaru.
Artillery fire fell along the beach in Nayaru causing fear among the fisher folk who were involved in their Sunday fish sales. The plight of these fishing folks, already hit by the economic downturn caused by the blockade at the SLA checkpoint at Omanthai, is such that they were forced to wait in the area that was being hit by shells till they finish their sales. Shells also fell in the adjacent settlements of Andankulam and Arumuhathankulam causing fear among the people in these settlements. Fresh water fishing affected by SLA shelling Continuous and indiscriminate shelling by the SLA from the Manalaru camp is disrupting the fresh water fishing activities in the Thannimurippu tank in Mullaithivu. Many shells have fallen and exploded in the Thannimurippu tank killing fishes. Dead fishes are floating in the tank in large numbers. The fishermen who depended on this tank for fishing have lost their livelihood at a time when life has already become difficult for the people of this area due to artillery fire and Sri Lanka Government imposed blockades.
19 March 2008