Tamil Eelam Police warn road users of increased risk of accidents
Tamil Eelam police issued a notice yesterday warning road users of increased risk of accidents on the road due to sudden increase in the number of road users as a result of large scale displacement.
In the notice, the Head of Tamil Eelam Police – Transport Division, R Ramanathan, brought to the attention of the road users the most essential rules that must be strictly followed and warned maximum punishment for those who break these rules. One accident on A9 road involving two motorbikes, seriously injuring a 39 year old mother, was already reported this week. In the meantime the displacement of people continued in Vanni. Calls to the agencies to fast track and also increase the assistance to the IDPs continued to be made. With the start of the GCE AL examination, concern about problems faced by the IDP students, sitting the examination, was top most in the minds of authorities in the Education sector.
05 August 2008