LTTE delegation returns to Wanni.
The LTTE delegation led by Mr.S.P Tamilselvan, Head of the Political wing returned today, Saturday the 18th October. This delegation had been in Ireland to fine-turn the LTTE counter proposal on the Interim Administration for the North East.
Later they visited Denmark where they met the Foreign Ministry officials and had discussions about the progress of peace process and the interim administrative proposal. Following these discussions in Denmark, the LTTE delegation visited Norway and met with Norwegian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Vidar Helgesen. Mr. Eric Solheim, Special Peace Envoy, John Wesbourg Former Norwegian Ambassador in Sri Lanka and Ms Lisa Golden, Ministy Advisor in Sri Lankan Affairs also were present an this meeting. Along with Mr. S. P. Tamilselvan, Col. Karuna, special Commander Batticaloa and Amparai met with Mr. Jan Petersen, Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Ministry.
18 October 2003