Puliyankulam hospital damaged by SLA shelling
Non stop SLA shelling from the Vavuniya Joseph camp, towards Puliyankulam, from 9.00am Saturday 14 July through to the next morning severely damaged the Puliyankulam government hospital. Fortunately no one was hurt by the shelling.
The maternity ward and the outpatients’ clinic were the most severely damaged by the shelling. Areas adjacent to the hospital were also seriously damaged Among them is the Puliyankulam Central College. People in this area had already displaced due to indiscriminate shelling by the SLA over recent months. The hospital however was functioning. In particular the outpatients’ clinic is busy during the day treating those who come. A handful of hospital staff were in the hospital during the all night shelling on 14 July. The shelling, however, spared the patients because the outpatients’ clinic is closed for the night. Yet, the damages sustained by the hospital have made the hospital outpatients’ clinic and other wards inoperative. This would force the civilians already denied basic health services to travel even further to receive treatment.
16 July 2007