February fortnight civilian toll – thirty killed, thirty nine disappeared
Thirty civilians were killed and another thirty nine were disappeared in the Tamil homeland by the GoSL operated forces in the first fortnight of February.
 All of the killings in this fortnight were carried out by direct face to face shooting by the GoSL operated forces. Most of the abduction-disappearances also followed an established pattern of white-van abductions from the victim’s homes. Several of those abducted were stopped on the road by the Sri Lankan military before being disappeared. Among those killed in this fortnight was sixty four years old Gananathan, the President of the Multi Purpose Society and an active community worker. Thirty four years old Joseph Thevakaran was abducted by paramilitary group while he was stopped and interrogated by Sri Lankan military on the road in Chankanai in Jaffna. Jesuthas Jeyaratnam was last seen by his relatives on the Pannai causeway in Jaffna where he was stopped and was being interrogated by the military. The bar-graph shows the distribution of the killings and abductions over the districts of the Tamil homeland.
16 February 2007