US General's Visit - Panic in Jaffna peninsula CBOs highly perturbed
Civilian Based Organizations (CBO) in the Jaffna peninsula are highly perturbed over the recent visit of US Commander Lt.Gen Wells Se Kirikshan Commander of US Navy's Pacific region command structure and the ensuing discussions that are supposed to have taken place in several of the military complexes in Jaffna and even the civilian check point at Muhamalai, the gateway to the military occupied Jaffna peninsula. It is noteworthy to mention here that civilian traffic through this check point came to a stand still during the peak hour of 09.00 - 11.00 on the day of the visit.
There is a widespread sense of panic in the minds of the people in Jaffna peninsula in particular and generally among all the Tamils, consequent to this development in the context of the US official's visit and the secretive discussions with military personnel at a time when the Tamil people are anxiously awaiting to enjoy the dividends of peace which is possible only by taking forward the peace process rather than indulging in military planning.
Excerpts of responses from the various civilian based organisations in the Jaffna peninsula:
Tamil National Vigilance Organisation
The Tamil people view the visit of the US official as an act of encouraging and strengthening the morale of SL forces to go back to war. At a time when the Tamil people are already disappointed and frustrated over the 'no-progress' state of the peace process it gives them grave doubts and fear about foreign military officials assisting the SLA with technical and intelligence services and supervising Forward Defence Lines. For a people who have been made homeless and chased away from their natural habitats, leading a refugee life for over two decades and at last saw the light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a ceasefire agreement, all that is happening now is terribly heart-breaking. If the peace initiatives are to be effectively taken forward, it is imperative that sufficient pressure be exerted by US to bring in place an interim administration on the basis of the ISGA proposals put forward by the LTTE.
International Tamil Students Organisation
Recent visit of the US General to the Jaffna peninsula has created panic among the Tamil People, reminding them of the horrendous war of two decades. We see this as a supportive step to the SLA to prepare again for war. What the international community should do today is to understand and accept the Tamil national problem and encourage the Sri Lankan Government to recommence the negotiations. The interim proposals submitted by the LTTE and mandated by the Tamil people in the last election, should be implemented without delay so that timely action may be taken to put the peace process on track and arrive at a final resolution. We strongly protest in the US action, seemingly threatening the Tamil people of an impending war again.
Women's Cultural Organisation
Prompted by our yearning for peace and our desire to be supportive of an effective peace process, we as a responsible civic body request of the US to give its maximum support to the peace process rather than engaging in military support to the SLA. The news of US General's visit to the military complexes in the 'occupied Jaffna peninsula' tends to make the Tamil people panicky in view of their bitter experience of SLA atrocities for two decades. Please help the Tamil people to restore normalcy in their lives and lead a peaceful life with dignity like any other citizens in the civilised world.
08 August 2004