TEEO Head discuss with NESOHR Director to diagnose Government's slothful inaction
Tamil Eelam Education Organisation Head Mr. V. Ilankumaran met NorthEast Secretariat on Human Rights Director Rev. M.X. Karunaratnam at Kilinochchi and discussed on the indolent attitude shown by the Sri Lankan government towards appointment of Tamil medium teachers. Sri Lanka's successive Sinhala government exceedingly bad practice of constantly procrastinating in the matter of teacher appointments to Tamil medium stream. Mr. Ilankumaran finished with the statistics of teacher shortage in Tamil medium schools under NorthEast Provincial Ministry of Education. The statistics focuses on the proportion of shortage at national and regional levels. On this basis it is seen that the shortage of Tamil medium teachers at national level is 25% while it has been on the average 30% for last ten years in the NorthEast Province.
Considering the required number of teachers based on the age groups n the Tamil stream n the NorthEast, there is need for 10, 687 teachers for students from 6 years of age upwards to 11 years, but there are only 7582 teachers available. Hence the shortage of teachers for primary education is as high as 3105. The number of teachers required to teach the 252519 strong secondary level students in the age group from 12 -17 years, is 1954 whereas the available number of teachers for this category is 7322. Hence the prevailing shortage of teachers at the secondary level is at 1832. On the whole there is need for 4937 teachers for primary and secondary education leave alone the higher secondary. In the statistics submitted by Mr. Ilankumaran it's further noted that there is a shortage of 9788 teachers in Tamil medium schools Island wide. While stressing on the dire need for teachers in the Tamil medium schools Mr. Ilankumaran regrets that the international volunteer organisations that bother about the children under 18 engaged in armed conflict turn a blind eye to the fact that the Sri Lankan state utterly fails to discharge its obligation to conform the UN charter pertaining to the children's right to education and behaves and acts quite contrary to what is primarily expected of a state signatory to UN charter in respect of children.
19 August 2004