The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in an official statement issued from its headquarters in Killinochchi northern Sri Lanka today reiterated its position that it would participate in the negotiating process only when the government puts forward a clearly defined draft framework for an interim administrative structure for the Northeast.
The LTTE has also rejected the offer made by the Prime Minister, Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe of a 'provisional administrative structure' within the laws of the land as a restatement of his previous position with a new terminology. "We are disappointed to note that the Prime Minister`s statement does not offer anything new. The so-called 'provisional administrative structure' is the new name given to the Apex Council proposed by him for development and rejected by us as extremely limited and inadequate". The Prime Minister has not responded to our call for a draft framework for an innovative and effective politico-administrative structure. Contrary to Mr Wickremesinghe's statement to the international donor community, we seriously differ in perception in connection with what the LTTE leadership proposes and what his government offers. While our leadership has proposed an Interim Administrative framework, a politico-administrative structure for the Northeast with wider participation of the LTTE, the Sri Lankan government has offered a council with a structure and mechanism for the development of the region. The Prime Minister is taking cover behind the laws and constitution of Sri Lanka, which have effectively institutionalised racism against which the Tamil people have been struggling for decades," the statement observed. "Furthermore, the LTTE and Mr Wickremesinghe's government also hold starkly divergent views as to the nature of the final political solution to end Sri Lanka's protracted ethnic conflict. While the Prime Minister envisages piecemeal reforms to the present constitution, the LTTE has proposed a radical transformation of the system of governance in Sri Lanka, through the institutionalization of a new, secular and equitable constitution which recognises the Tamils right to self-determination and homeland. It is whilst recognising that this is an impossible task for Mr Wickremesinghe's fragile ruling coalition that our organisation proposed the establishment of an Interim Administration," the LTTE statement said. The LTTE has also criticised the government of Ranil Wickremesinghe for complicating the peace process by allowing undue and unwarranted interference by extra territorial forces in the ethnic conflict, which is an internal political affair that has to be resolved by the parties in conflict. "The compulsions that arose from severe economic and political bankruptcy have compelled the government to seek the ultimate refuge in the so-called 'international safety net' to resolve the economic and political crisis of the country. By seeking this 'safety net' the Colombo regime has shifted the peace process from third party facilitation to the realm of international arbitration by formidable external forces that has far-reaching consequences to the political and economic destiny of the island," the LTTE`s statement declared. Commenting on the resolutions and declarations adopted by the donor community at the Tokyo conference, the LTTE's statement said that the document has no binding obligations on the organisation. "The LTTE was not involved in the deliberations or in the formulation of these declarations. We have not been consulted on the set of propositions and resolutions enunciated in the Tokyo Declaration. The Colombo government, with the active assistance of the facilitator and its international 'tactical allies' has formulated this strategic paper to super-impose its own agenda on the LTTE. This is unacceptable to us," the statement said.
11 June 2003