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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Vavuniya Campus academics submit a memorandum

The Tamil Eelam National Leadership's action to confirm and ensure the legitimate rights of the Tamils is imperative to allay the intrusions of the alien elements.

The Vavuniya Campus academics of the Jaffna University have urged Mr. Veluppillai Prabaharan that he, being the sole National Leader capable of allaying alien elements and transcending selfish motives and desires, should forthwith take all necessary actions to confirm, and to ensure the establishment of, the legitimate national, political and territorial rights of the Tamils, especially right now when the venomously influencing foreign elements, opposed to the Tamil national aspirations, have very vigorously again reared their ugly heads.

This major demand is embodied in a memorandum addressed to the Tamil Eelam National Leader and handed over to the Vavuniya District LTTE Political Head by the Vavuniya Campus academic society of the Jaffna University.

The memorandum further says that the entire Tamil community have witnessed with sentiments the importance given to the field of education in our struggle has been no less than that given to resistance against aggression, to defence and protection of our territory and people.

As we gratefully bear in mind this weightage given by our leadership to learning and erudition we cannot but strongly condemn the expulsion of the academic community from the Batticaloa Campus of the Eastern University and express the pain of mind it had inflicted on the Tamil nation who can hardly stomach such a treacherous act that would go as far as to harm our posterity.

We now rally in condemnation and to protest this puerile or rather stupid act that betrays the trust reposed by the learning and academics on a movement. We commence this rally wearing black bands around our sleeves on our arms to protest the regressive and idiotic act of expulsion of the academics that has brought us shame as well as to the movement causing us hang our heads down. It goes without saying that even our generations to come would surely hang their heads in shame when they hear of this or learn it from records. On account of a silly decision unilaterally taken by a single individual keeping at distance as if unreachable in the Southern Tamil Eelam, the Tamils in the East as in the North or for that matter even worldwide are stunned not knowing what to do. Though it is a fact of history that our struggle has been disgraced and disrupted at times by a Udas or an Iago or another such traitors or villains have been from time to time detected and identified and their intended disruptions were sooner thwarted and the deadly elements were either removed or dismissed and everything went well with defects rectified. Hence this incident of political infidelity and national treachery is viewed by all patriotic constituents of the nation, as the worst of misfortunes that ever occurred in the history of our national struggle.

And now the academic community in the Vavuniya Campus of the Jaffna University has in their memorandum concluded with the request urging Mr. Prabaharan, being popularly admitted to be entitled to the national leadership of Tamil Eelam, to ensure without being encumbered or influenced by alien forces or affected by their intrusions and with vigilance against stealthy infiltrations of opposing elements, averting and without being subject to desire and hatred that motivate for selfish gains, that the people of Tamil Eelam regain their right to self determination, and their unity and solidarity and territorial integrity is consolidated and stabilised, and to this effect measures are taken ultimately to attain all national goals.


15 March 2004

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