IDPs resettling in Valigaman North are threatened by the Sri Lankan Military
Recently the Sri Lankan military gave permission for people to re-occupy their lands in Tellipalai, Valalai, Kadduvan, Pannaham and other areas in Valigaman north. Military announced that people could reoccupy their lands that are at least 600 metres away from the boundaries of the military camps. Some people have started to reoccupy their lands in some of these areas. However, the military has expressed different views to the people who have gone to resettle and have threatened these people.
The people have been told by the military: that they cannot live in their homes in these areas, that they cannot have visitors staying in their homes, that they must give all the details about them to the military, and that they obtain permission from the military before reoccupying their lands. The affected people have lodged complaints with the Human Rights Commission and the SLMM. Military obstructs public access through Pannai-bridge connecting Jaffna Peninsula and the adjoining Island The security posts and spiked iron fences placed along the Pannai-Bridge connecting Jaffna peninsula and the adjoining island is causing difficulties to the public. Vehicles traveling along the bridge are having difficulties crossing each other because of the presence of these obstructions. This is making travel over the bridge accident-prone. For this reason, public organizations in the Jaffna district have called for the removal of these security posts and spiked iron fences.
29 July 2004