SLA allowed school to function but obstructs clearing
Valikamam Zonal Director has complained in letter addressed to the Secretary to the NorthEast Provincial Ministry of Education that the state security forces has created obstacles obstructing the utilization of funds allocated to facilitate the Vasavilan Maththiya Mahavidyalayam to resume functioning of its own site in the High Security Zone in Vasavilan.
Although the Security forces have given clearance for the functioning of the school in its own site in the Vasavilan Security Zone, The High Command of the forces is still objecting to clearing of shrubs and trash in and around the area of the school, and to the resettlement of families that could make attendance of pupils normal. The Zonal Director has further drawn the attention of the Provincial Education Ministry to the difficulties in restoring the school building as men and materials are not permitted to pass through the Front Defense Line of the HSZ.
09 August 2004