Kokkuvil massacre
Kokuvil village is in Jaffna district. Pirampadi road in Kokuvil is located only 500 metres from the Jaffna University.
On 10.10.1987, clashes between the Indian military that arrived in Jaffna and the LTTE started. The Indian military, claiming to be searching for the LTTE Leader, Pirapaharan, landed several men by helicopter, on 11.10.1987, and surrounded the area. There were heavy fighting between the Indian military and the LTTE near the Medical College of the Jaffna University. 29 Indian soldiers were killed in this clash. Following this, on 12.10.1987, the Indian military from the Palaly camp arrived in numbers and surrounded the Pirambadi lane and entered civilian homes and brought women, children and old people to the road and shot them dead. 40 people were killed. On the same day, Indian military arriving in another direction surrounded the Potpathy area and arrested several people and took them to the road in front of the community centre. They ordered the arrested people to lie down on the road and drove the heavy vehicles over their bodies. 64 people were killed in this massacre. A total of more than 100 people were killed in the two massacres on the same day in Kokuvil.
22 November 2006