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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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CBO’s resolve to launch public demnonstrations against Govt’s insidious plans to re-start the war

Civilian Based Organisations (CBO’s) in Thenmaradchy, south of Jaffna, have resolved in a recent meeting to launch public demonstrations against the insidious plans of radical elements within the government and the chauvinistic military to disrupt the peace process and re-start the war. As the first step in this direction, it has been decided to engage in public demonstrations in three selected locations.

These demonstrations would include the following themes, it is reported:

  • Sri Lankan government’s actions, inactions and political rhetoric, all of which tend to disrupt and severely damage the already fragile and tenuous peace process.
  • The president’s subtle intentions to impose a war on the Tamil people over again.
  • Attempts of the government to repress through high handed military action, public protest against non-adherence to the CFA clauses relating to restoration of normalcy inspite ofthe time frames stipulated therein even after the lapse of three years.
  • The military stop all its planned killings, apportioning the blame on the LTTE to discredit the organisation and weaken its position in the peace process.
  • Condemning the government entities that engage in cover-up of quislings that work against Tamil interests.
  • Heavy purchase of military hardware, unprecedented budget allocations for defence during a cease fire period and the defence pacts, agreements and military rehearsals all of which make the people panicky and suspicious of the govt’s intentions.
  • The Sinhala polity to openly declare its stand as to whether it is sincerely committed to the peace process or has military designs to resolve the national problem.

The CBO confabulation decided to launch the first demonstration in Chavakachcheri on Monday 20 December, Kaithady on Tuesday 21st and Kodikamam on Wednesday 22nd.

16 December 2004

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