Thousands pay tribute to Brig. S P Tamilselvan
Thousands of people passed through the main hall, where Brig. Tamilselvan’s body was lying, and paid their tearful tributes to him. People openly cried inconsolably. Prior to taking his body to the main hall, his body was kept for one hour at the LTTE Peace Secretariat where many paid garland and flower tribute. His wife also was among them.
 Speaking at the event in the main hall, The Head of Political Wing, P Nadeson, praised the sharp mind and the negotiating talent of Brig. Tamilselvan. Head of Intelligence Pottu said that the only response to the assassination of Brig. Tamilselvan was to work towards the goal for which he worked all his adult life. Many more people paid tribute to him all day in words and poetry. 
Many international and local media persons, religious leader and other VIPs were stopped from attending Brig. Tamilselvan’s last rites by the Sri Lanka army at Omanthai border checkpoint. 
Throughout the day Sri Lankan Air Force bombers flew very low exactly over the hall where the all day event was going on. It was very clear that the intention was to strike fear among the people and force them to scatter, thus disrupting the event. Amazingly no one moved despite repeated loud noise of the bombers flying very low.
06 November 2007