Black Tiger Day celebrations – 2008
Today is July 5th, Black Tiger Day, which is celebrated by Tamils of Tamil Eelam in their homeland as well as in the countries of their domicile.
 LTTE Leader lighting the Lamp for martyred Black Tigers The celebrations in the Tamil homeland began at 9.00am today with the hoisting of the Tamil National flag all over the land. People paid homage to the martyred Black Tigers by lighting lamps at 7.05pm. Leader of LTTE, V Pirapaharan, together with his senior Commanders, and Black Tigers also paid homage by lighting lamps at 7.05pm to the martyred Black Tigers. July 5th is the day of the first Black Tiger attack in 1987 in Nelliyadi, carried out by Capt.Miller who carried out the attack at 7.05pm.
05 July 2008