Rev Fr Karunaratnam killed by Sri Lanka military claymore attack
Rev Fr Karunaratnam, Chairperson of the North East Secretariat on Human Rights (NESOHR), was killed by a claymore attack, on the Mankulam - Mallavi Road, that was carried out by the Sri Lanka Army Deep Penetration Unit at 12.30pm today.
 Rev Fr Karunaratnam a longtime human rights activist was the founder – Chairperson, of NESOHR which is the foremost human rights body operating in the LTTE administered areas. Rev Fr Karunaratam was also a working Catholic priest and he was serving in Jaffna until 2006, and the church transferred him to Vanni fearing for his life at the hands of the death squads operating in Jaffna. A tireless voice for the plight of the long suffering Tamils he was active till the very last minute of his life.
20 April 2008