Martyrs' Day Speech of the LTTE leader and Today's Political Reality
Editorial column in the 'Liberation Tigers' the official organ of the LTTE (November 2003): Deep emotional outpouring from the Tamil people in Eelam and around the world has been observed on Martyrs' Day. The Martyrs' Day has grown to become an inextinguishable symbolic event marking the pride and strength of the Tamil people as they pay homage to their fallen heroes who made the supreme sacrifice of their lives in a quest to liberate their Tamil homeland and to provide dignity and purpose to the lives of their kith and kin.
The Martyrs' Day speech of Mr. V. Pirapaharan, national leader of the Tamil people, had been anxiously awaited, not only by the Tamils but also by the Sinhalese and the international community. All of them were looking forward to know what the LTTE leader, Mr. Pirapaharan, had to say about the political turmoil in Colombo, the future of the peace process and the political stand of the Tamils.
The LTTE leader recounted with pride the incomparable sacrifices of the martyrs that glorified and internationalized the political struggle of the Tamils and he gratefully paid tributes to the martyrs who contributed to make the LTTE the force it is and the worldwide recognition that the struggle has now achieved.
Tamil people have today displayed solidarity and patriotism under the banner of the LTTE leadership as never before. This factual reality is being conveyed to the rest of the world by the local and foreign media, representatives of various nations who now regularly visit Vanni and international organisations who have experienced the scenario. The distorted propaganda carried out by the successive Sinhala Governments in the past to discredit the Tamil struggle has now been exposed to the world.
Our liberation struggle for a reasonable and just political solution and the right to self-determination is marching on with honesty and integrity fuelled by the sacrifices of our fallen heroes. The world's attention is now being drawn to the heroic deeds and tremendous sacrifice of the young men and women of this soil. The nations of the world did not understand our struggle in the past and now that situation is fast changing. "The high spirited and immeasurable power of your sacrifice has today touched the conscience of the world community" said the LTTE leader.
Mr. Pirapaharan, in his speech, highlighted the current political turmoil prevailing in Colombo. Blatant racist politics of the successive southern Sinhala governments and their use of communal politics as a means to securing power in the country is not a new phenomenon and form the basis for the racist oppression of the Tamil people. Mr. Pirapaharan pointed out that despite a genuine chance of achieving a peaceful resolution to the conflict existed under the peace process the Sinhala racist politics has again failed to recognize fundamental issues. The present political turmoil amidst the Sinhalese and their rivalry for power is not new to the Tamils. It is a fact of history that whenever there have been endeavours to resolve the ethnic conflict some turmoil or rivalry in southern politics brings the process undone. What is new is that this historical fact is now evident to the rest of the world and Mr. Pirapaharan made the Tamil position loud and clear. He has categorically stated that unless the inalienable rights of the Tamil people are recognized the Tamil people have no choice but seek to secede.
Contrary to the accusations made by the Sri Lankan president, LTTE did not in anyway take advantage or abuse the peace endeavors to further its military strength. Whilst the economic prosperity of the peace dividend had been reaped by the people living outside the North and East of the country, the LTTE has had to deal with the gross injustices of the Sri Lankan government and the armed forces meted out to the Tamil people in the past. Internally displaced people, high security zones and the economic misery, poverty and the lack of basic services have all been issues that the LTTE had to face despite being assured of relief as part of the peace process.
Whilst the LTTE was honestly and with wholehearted sincerity engaged in a dialogue for peace the Sinhala government on the other side was attempting to create hurdles against the LTTE through an international network. Mr.Pirapaharan has implicitly warned that this sort of unwanted plots led to increasing interference by external forces in the peace process. It is time the Sinhala people understand that their leaders who trumpet about the sovereignty of their island country are actively in the process of selling out to foreign influences.
This could be the last opportunity to achieve a political settlement for the Tamil - Sinhala national problem. The LTTE is ready and willing to make use of this opportunity. It is unfortunate that there are always set backs, procrastinations and political clashes on the Sinhala side.
It is not possible to resolve, in a brief time frame, a problem that has become so complex and complicated over a period of half a century. That is why until the time a final solution is achieved, the LTTE opted for on interim administrative authority. This interim self-governing authority would endeavour to carry out urgent projects pertaining to matters like resettlement, rehabilitation, development etc. The proposals put forward by the Sri Lankan government do not satisfy the administrative and reconstruction needs of the Tamil people hence the LTTE have drafted and presented a proposal to the government. The LTTE leader has explained and conveyed the message about the peace process to the Tamil people. However, the peace process has become the casualty in the rabidly racist Colombo politics and has become inactive.
The Norwegians have seen fit to suspend their role as facilitators in the peace process as a direct result of their dismay at the Colombo politics and this time the international community is directly and constantly watching the game of power politics that is being played amongst the Sinhalese. The real face of the Sinhala politics that is bent on repressing the Tamils will soon be visible to the international community.
Mr. Pirapaharan has conveyed in his Martyrs' Day message that our people have no alternative but to secede under our due right to self-determination and establish an independent state if the Sinhala ruling class continues to deny the right of our people and oppose all conciliatory solutions.
The LTTE leader has yet appealed to the Sinhala nation not to push us to the brink of a situation where we would be reluctantly compelled to resort to secession. The Sinhala nation has its last chance to salvage the country.
06 December 2003