Resettled peasants in Omanthai facing military harassment.
Basic facilities denied.Peasants who have voluntarily resettled in Omanthai are undergoing severe hardship due to military harassment and lack of basic amenities.
These civilians who fled their habitats during the height of military operations are now beginning to resettle in their homes as a dividend of the ceasefire. Though three months have passed since, the resettlement allowances due to them have not been paid yet. In addition to this, their movements in the villages are very much restricted by the Sri Lankan military personnel. Villagers are compelled to make entries when they go out for work and get back home. Military personnel are frequenting the households in the nights and checking the list of inmates. Young women are scared to move about freely. Most of the peasants who have resettled feel that they have been shifted from refugee camps to an open prison.
09 September 2003