Blowing bridges to stop food to Tamil IDPs
The map shows in yellow, the route taken by the UN food convoy consisting of 51 food trucks with one week food for the 200,000 IDPS which entered Vanni on 3 October 2008. That was the only UN food convoy to enter Vanni since the UN and other international agencies were ordered out of Vanni on 11 September 2008 by the Sri Lankan Government.
Bridge-A falls on this route taken by the UN food convoy on 3 October. This bridge is 12 feet high due to the depth of the river Kanakarayan running underneath it. On 10 October, this bridge was blown up by the Sri Lanka military. It had to resort to the use of mines placed by its Deep Penetration Unit as well as aerial bombardment to destroy the bridge. This gives some indication of the size and strength of this bridge. Since then, following consultation with the same military, another route, shown in red in the map, was chosen. This route includes Bridge-B over the same river. On 13 October, a convoy of trucks destined for the Mullathivu District was taking this route. The convoy was lead by the Mullaithivu Government Agent. This bridge collapsed after the Government Agent’s vehicle and three more trucks had passed it. Indeed, just prior to the above mentioned convoy destined for the Mullaithivu district, the Sri Lanka military had blown this bridge and weakened it, with the full knowledge that it will collapse under the weight of the trucks. The Sri Lankan Government that expelled the international agencies proclaiming that it can provide the essential supplies to the people in Vanni has blown up two bridges one after the other with the sole aim of stopping food reaching the people. The devious actions of the Sri Lankan Government to deny food to the people in Vanni is abundantly clear. In the meantime, diarrhea and impetigo are one the rise among the IDP children forced to live in crowded conditions without good water supply. Also there is fear of Malaria spreading among IDPs. This is happening in an area where Malaria which was endemic prior to 2002 was impressively eradicated by 2005 by the local health services. Their efforts received praise from many visiting health experts. The threat of Malaria spreading again is therefore not due to lack of expertise but it is clearly due to blockade on supplies reaching Vanni.
15 October 2008