Thileepan's Day commemoration in Tamil Eelam
Tamil National Leader Mr. V. Prabaharan participated in the special ceremony to commemorate the 17th year of martyrdom of Thileepan who protested against Indian military's atrocities in the Tamil homeland and fasted unto death. Thileepan's fast for the twelve days till his demise did not move the Indian polity to accede to the just demands of Thileepan on behalf of Tamil people.
The Tamil people in the NorthEast and all over the world commemorate Thileepan's sacrifice for 12 days commencing 15th September. The date of Thileepan's martyrdom, 26th September incidentally is also the day of commemoration of the anniversary of Martyr Col. Shankar. In the special ceremony organized, the Leader of the LTTE Mr. V. Prabaharan paid floral tributes to both the martyrs Thillepan and Shankar.
26 September 2004