Who killed the five including a toddler in Eravur on 13 April
On 13 April two armed men and three civilians including a toddler were shot and killed in the village of Kaluvankerni. The SLA claimed that LTTE shot and killed five civilians. A description of the context of the area should throw some light as to who killed the five.
 Two armed men were walking along in the village of Kaluvankerni on 13 April. Behind them were traveling three other civilians including a three year old toddler. The map describes the context of the location. Armed Karuna cadres are always roaming this village from their camps marked on the map. The SLA men, unless they know the Tamil men personally, are incapable of distinguishing them as Karuna cadres or LTTE members in civilian clothes. The SLA soldiers suspecting the two Karuna armed cadres to be LTTE members ambushed them and in the process also shot the three civilians, including a toddler, who were walking behind. Indeed the SLA story that LTTE killed five civilians betrays the presence of two armed men who were among the five killed. Ask any of the villagers in Kaluvankerni and they will attest to the fact that two Karuna members were among the five killed even if they are unsure about those who killed the five. Why did SLA hide the fact that two armed Karuna cadres were among the five killed? The pattern of reporting of this incident in both local and international media reveals the darkness in which the media both local and international are forced to function. The fact that the media could not talk to a civilian in Kaluvankerni to determine that two Karuna member were killed is a case in point.
16 April 2007