GoSL attempts to disrupt NGOs assisting refugees
In it latest efforts to disrupt NGOs and INGOs that assist Tamil refugees, GoSL has launched a concerted effort to tarnish the names of some of them working in Amparai.
Two days ago, the Sri Lankan military occupied Thangavelayuthapuram in Amparai and displaced the Tamil people from there. The INGO, ZOA, has adopted this village for its humanitarian assistance work. As a result material donated by ZOA will be found throughout this village. Once the people are forced by fear, it is easy for the Sri Lankan military to rearrange the ZOA donated material. This is exactly what it has executed in Thangavelayuthapuram in Amparai. Such strategies by the GoSL have two ulterior motives, to make it difficult for these organizations to help Tamils thus putting the Tamil population in even greater misery; and to tarnish name of the LTTE at the international stage by accusing it of using NGO material intended for the refugees. Such strategy is adopted by the Sri Lankan military, in locations it has recently occupied, after forcing the Tamil people out of the areas.
11 January 2007